The FASD Success Show

#055 Brain Domains, Diagnosis and FASD Research with Dr. Valerie Temple

Jeff Noble Episode 55

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Can you believe we are at Episode 55 of the FASD Success Show podcast?    

Over the last year, we have interviewed caregivers, birth moms, advocates, individuals on the Spectrum, as well as professionals like my guest today: Dr. Valerie Temple. I reached out to her after seeing a recent research paper she shared on Twitter. I knew she would have some knowledge bombs – and having discovered she has published over 25 research papers and book chapters about FASD, I think you will agree! 

Dr. Valerie Temple, Ph.D. C. Psych. is a Clinical Psychologist and the Professional Practice Leader for Psychology at Surrey Place, an agency supporting children and adults with developmental disabilities in Toronto, Ontario.  She is also Clinical Lead for the Surrey Place Adult FASD Diagnostic Clinic. She works with Canada FASD Network and FASD-ONE an Ontario advocacy group. Along with family members, researchers, and clinicians from across Canada Dr. Temple helped to create the 2016 Canadian Guidelines for Diagnosis of FASD across the Lifespan.   

"When I first started my practice, FASD wasn’t on my radar. Attending the International FASD Conference in Vancouver changed everything. Change is happening (in the field), but change is slow. "

 We talk about her experience and growth in the field of FASD as well as the important work she assisted with on those Canadian Diagnostic Guidelines, including:  

  • How a scattered profile and a good “cocktail speech” is responsible for so much misunderstanding, missed and misdiagnosis in individuals with FASD.  
  • The importance of getting a diagnosis at any age and how it can be transformative for individuals, their families and birth moms.  
  • A deep dive into two of the 10 brain domains used in a diagnosis: executive function and affect regulation and some thoughts and ideas on how to support individuals.  

"Once you have a framework to think about FASD and once you understand what you’re looking at, you have a much clearer path on what to do next and what you can do to support. "

We also talk about the recent studies she was involved in looking at Autism & FASD and FASD & Substance Use. There are some surprising statistics and interesting observations Dr. Temple shares from these studies as well as, interdependence, diagnostic services, and the upside of COVID for her Centre and clients. We also do some myth-busting about behaviour therapy that you aren’t going to want to miss.  

So many nuggets of information and knowledge bombs that you will just have to dive in. Make sure you have a pen and paper or your notes app open. There is so much here, that this is one of those “10 timer” episodes you will be going back to.  

Be sure to keep up to date by following Dr. Temple on Twitter and Surrey Place. Also, do me a favour... let me know if you had any aha moments during this podcast!  


Show Notes: 

Dr. Valerie Temple on Twitter

Surrey Place – Living Your Potential All Your Life 


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